Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Turning into a slacker

So I totally went to class today, took the quiz at the beginning, then left. The rest of the class period was going to be devoted to giving presentations about our "self-study" (at the beginning of the program, we wrote down what we wanted to practice on our own and checked our progress every week or so) which I had not prepared for at all (by conscious choice). If I did do it, my only choices would have been to either lie or embarrass myself (I only did the minimum amount of studying outside of class), and since I've done well enough in the class until now, I decided to cash in on that goodwill on the last day.

In other news, I decided since I've been in Japan for 6 weeks and only really had sushi once, I should go and eat real Japanese sushi one last time. I went with a few people to a nice little place by the station and it was really tasty. Afterwards, having eaten a healthy meal of fish, rice, and salad, we decided to balance things out by getting dessert at Mister Donut, an excellent Japanese donut chain.

While eating our yummy, unhealthy donuts, we discussed what our third meal should be if we wanted to continue our downward spiral into heart disease and diabetes. We decided the ultimate evening of starting healthy and ending dead was as follows:

1. Sushi
2. Donuts
3. The "Tamago Double-Mac" at McDonalds (a limited time sandwich in Japan with two patties and an egg, which me and Jane still want to try)
4. Lying in the gutter eating Pixy Stix.

Later in the evening, I tried this Final Fantasy licensed energy drink that I picked up in Akihabara before. I assume it was an energy drink, at least that would explain at least partially why it was so terrible. The can was cool, though (FFVI FTW!)

1 comment:

  1. Ah, that would be the Chaos flavored Potion that they released as a promotion for Dissidia.

    Also... Tamago Double-Mac?
