Monday, August 3, 2009

Hima na toki!

So today was my first day of my afternoon workshop on "learning Japanese through Anime and Manga." It was more interesting than my workshops last week but I still felt like my time would be better spent either focusing on my regular language class or exploring Tokyo more. I decided, screw it, I can do better by just sitting in my room reading all the manga I've bought and learning at my own pace, so I dropped the class, which means I only have class from 9-12 every day.

I wasn't sure if it was the right choice, though. I mean, I am spending a lot of money to be here, I really should get my money's worth...

Then I used my newfound free time to visit Akihabara this afternoon. It was the right choice.

I only had time to visit 2 stores (since I spent about an hour in each...), one of which was "Super Potato" a huge 4 story store devoted solely to retro games. (Paul, you are going to fucking worship me when you see what I got you there...) The top floor was even a little arcade with old games. I played R-Type and died on the second level :(

Outside and inside the store they're constantly playing themes and songs from 8-bit games. It drew me in like a moth to a flame...

When I get rich, I am TOTALLY getting a cocktail-style Ice Climbers arcade machine.


  1. I think it is great that you are exploring after all your are not going to be there much longer. I trust your judgement!

  2. Hmm, something I'd like from a store dedicated to retro games... that could by any number of things. I can't wait to see what it is.

  3. Wow, "mom" great encouragement there. But more impressive is the complete lag of nagging.

    By the way Jay, you've got me fondly remembering arcade games. I miss them.
