Thursday, August 6, 2009

So I've decided I'm not a big fan of my class.

The teachers are fine, and there's nothing wrong with the content, its just that it moves so fast I don't feel like I really absorb anything.

I do, however, like the activities where we converse with the Japanese students who volunteer in our class. After class today I had lunch with two Waseda students who had both studied abroad in England, so when they spoke English it was with a heavy (and awesome) British accent.

One was a bit older and studying for a PHD, but the other was still an undergraduate, so it was interesting to see how whenever the younger one spoke in Japanese to their senior it was always in polite form, but when they switched into English they spoke casually. When speaking to them in Japanese, I found I often slipped into short form when I probably shouldn't have. I should probably work on that before I come back home and have to always speak formally with the teachers.

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