Sunday, July 19, 2009


Went to Hachioji today with just a few other people to look at book stores, used clothing stores, and check out the arcades. The first place we went to, a chain of used book stores in Japan called "Book Off", completely blew me away. They had a absurdly huge manga selection, all between 100 and 500 yen. They also sold used games and CDs. Needless to say, I left the store slightly poorer. We then visited another smaller used book store, bought more cheap manga, then ate lunch at Mos Burger.

For fast food, Mos Burger is damn good. I got a teriyaki burger and a melon soda.

The used clothing stores we found were mostly closed since it was Sunday, so I'll have to come back for those. We spent a little time in an arcade (I played a nifty side-scrolling shooter with pretty graphics), but they're pretty expensive since the machines just take 100 yen coins.

After that we went to a store called Animate, which caters to one group alone: the geek. Manga, DVDs, misc. anime goods. I could have spent quite a bit longer in there, but I didn't want to spend too much or keep my companions waiting too long.

It took a lot of self-control not to just go crazy and buy everything I saw, but this is just the first week and I'll be going to Akihabara at some point...


  1. Wow! Those stores sound awesome! I can't decide which I prefer the sound of.

    A teriyaki burger... how are they?

  2. Sounds as if you were in your element. I'm so glad you are having fun!

  3. Heh, there's actually an enormous 8 story Animate store only about 2 miles from where I'm going to be moving on Thursday. I'm hella pumped.
